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James Warren is continually looking for ambitious, intelligent and hard working graduates to join our organisation. We operate a 2 year "Junior Executive" Programme in Assam and Calcutta. Graduates join as a tea planter, accountant, marketing or operations and rotate between various divisions in the company. At the end of this programme, a decision is taken between the graduate and company on which division the candidate is most suitable to join on a full time basis.

"Formed in the spirit of dynamic growth, social justice and intellectual pursuits."

Candidates are required to be graduated and must be eager to thrive in the tea sector. We hire people with diverse educational backgrounds such as agriculture, engineering, IT, BCOM, marketing and Doctors.



We offer an excellent base salary and perquisites such as club membership, housing (Assam), and bonus.





Send your CV and cover letter/email to



Corporate Office :

Aspirations Vintage

12 Pretoria Street

Kolkata 700 071 India
Tel: +91 033 – 4034 1000

Fax: +91-033 – 4034 1015

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