SINCE 1860
Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.09.2019
Outcome of Board Meeting - 31.12.2019
Regulation 30(5) - 31.01.2020
​Outcome of Board Meeting - 31.03.2020
Outcome - 25.07.2020
Regulation 30(5) - 25.07.2020
Sale of Tippuk Tea Estate MOU - 18.08.2020
Sale of Tippuk Tea Estate Completion - 17.09.2020
Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.06.2020
​Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.09.2020
Outcome of Board Meeting - 31.12.2020​​
Outcome of Board Meeting - 31.03.2021​​
Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.06.2021
Proceedings of the 12th Annual General Meeting
Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.09.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting - 01.11.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting - 29.11.2021
Regulation 30(5) -29.11.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting - 31.12.2021
Outcome of Board Meeting - 31.03.2022
Regulation 30(6) -30.05.2022
Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.06.2022
Proceedings of the 13th Annual General Meeting
Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.09.2022
Outcome of Board Meeting - 31.12.2022
Outcome of Board Meeting - 31.03.2023
Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.06.2023
Proceedings of the 14th Annual General Meeting
Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.09.2023
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 26.12.2023
Proceedings of the Postal Ballot 03.02.2024
Outcome of Board Meeting - 31.12.2023
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 23.03.2024
Proceedings of the Postal Ballot 13.05.2024
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 29.05.2024
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 08.08.2024
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 09.09.2024​
Sale of Rajah Alli Tea Estate MOU - 13.09.2024
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 14.11.2024
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 06.12.2024
Sale of Dhoedaam Tea Estate (Execution of Agreement) - 09.12.2024
Outcome of Board Meeting held on 14.02.2025