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Buyback 2019-20

Buyback 2020-21

Buyback 2021-22







1. Pre-Buyback Public Announcement. 

2. Letter of Offer to Buyback 2017-18.

3. Tender Forms - For Shareholders holding shares in Demat.

4. Tender Forms - For Shareholders holding shares in Physical Form.



1. Pre-Buyback Public Announcement. 

2. Letter of Offer to Buyback 2019-20.

3. Tender Forms - For Shareholders holding shares in Demat.





1. Pre-Buyback Public Announcement. 

2. Draft Letter of Offer to Buyback 2020-21

3. Letter of Offer

4. Tender Form (For Eligible Shareholders holding Demat Shares)

5. Tender Form (For Eligible Shareholders holding Physical Shares)

6. Securities Transfer Form – Form SH-4 (Only applicable for Eligible Shareholders holding Physical Shares)

7. Documents for Inspection:

a) Memorandum and Articles of Association with Certificate of Incorporation

b) Annual reports of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2020, March 31, 2019 and March 31, 2018

c) Board Resolution dated July 25, 2020

d) Copy of the special resolution dated September 05, 2020

e) Copy of the Auditor’s Report dated July 25, 2020

f) Declaration of solvency and an affidavit as per Form SH-9.

g) Certificate dated September 07,2020 confirming Company's fund  Adequacy

h)Copy of Escrow Agreement dated September 30, 2020

i) Copy of SEBI observation email dated Monday, October 19, 2020

8. Dispatch Advertisement

9. Post Buyback Public Announcement​




​​1. Postal ballot Notice dated 29th November, 2021

2. Corrigendum to the Postal Ballot Notice

3. Voting Results and Scrutinizer's Report

4. Pre-Buyback Public Announcement

5. Letter of Offer

6. SEBI Observation letter dated 09.02.2022

6. Tender Forms - For Shareholders holding shares in Demat.

7. Tender Forms - For Shareholders holding shares in Physical Form

8. F SH-4 share Transfer Forms

9. Post buyback Public Announcement

10Dispatch Advertisement

11. Extinguishment certificate





1.Postal ballot Notice dated 29th May, 2023

2. Voting Results and Scrutinizer's Report

3. Pre-Buyback Public Announcement

4. Letter of Offer

5.Tender Forms - For Shareholders holding shares in Demat.

6. Tender Forms - For Shareholders holding shares in Physical Form

7. F SH-4 share Transfer Forms

8. Post Buyback Public Announcement

9. Dispatch Advertisement

10. Extinguishment Certificate


Buyback 2017-18

Buyback 2023-24

Corporate Office :

Aspirations Vintage

12, Pretoria Street

Kolkata 700 071 India
Tel: 033–4034 1000

Fax: 033–4034 1015

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